The aircraft models promoted by German Light Aircraft offer the following features in common:

    • State-of-the-art German aircraft, made in Germany, manufacturing processes and quality management according to German standards;
    • Modern light sports aircraft representing the most advanced aviation technology, applying aerodynamic design and using state-of-the-art equipment and materials;
    • Fixed-wing aircraft equipped with a whole-aircraft emergency parachute system to ensure the safety of pilot and the passengers;
    • Equipped with a Rotax engine that uses automotive unleaded fuel with low fuel consumption of 12-15 l/h and meets environmentally friendly low carbon emission requirements;
    • Equipped with a Neuform propeller for excellent performance that can be calibrated on ground to ensure quiet and stable rotation.
    • Adhering to the principles of ‘professional expertise, strict and rigorous approach and safety’, German Light Aircraft provides its customers in Asia with high-quality service.
    • The Aircrafts of STEMME are all EASA and FAA certified.